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两岸猿声啼不住 轻舟已过万重山 ——记第四届中国-国际器官捐献大会

【环球时报记者 范凌志 赵瑜莎】12月6日至8日,第四届中国——国际器官捐献大会暨“一带一路”器官捐献国际合作发展论坛在云南昆明成功举办,来自世界卫生组织(WHO)、国际器官移植协会(TTS)、各大洲移植协会和62个国家移植协会的代表共1000余人参加。为推进“一带一路”器官捐献与移植合作发展,积极构建人类命运共同体,全体参加“一带一路”器官捐献国际合作发展论坛的中外代表共同发表《“一带一路”器官捐献与移植国际合作发展昆明共识》,并在中国器官移植发展基金会倡议下共同成立了“‘一带一路’国家器官捐献与移植合作发展联盟”。 论坛期间举办了“中国器官捐献与移植发展研讨会”,这是本届国际合作发展论坛中最受关注的活动,原因就在于近年来中国器官捐献与移植事业取得举世瞩目的成就,让国际移植界称羡。“中国经验可以作为整个亚洲地区乃至全球的示范。”这是世界卫生组织器官移植主管官员何塞·努涅斯在会上对中国器官移植事业给予的高度评价。 但是,境外反华组织出于政治企图,在器官捐献与移植这一充满大爱的领域炮制谣言,对中国进行污蔑。在研讨会上,中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会主任委员、中国器官移植发展基金会理事长黄洁夫表示,“你永远无法叫醒一个装睡的人,我相信谣言止于智者。敌人的污蔑恰恰证明了中国器官捐献与移植事业所取得的成就。中国的器官移植和捐献事业正在蓬勃向前发展,没有任何力量可以阻挡。”中国人体器官分配与共享计算机系统(COTRS)负责人王海波在研讨会上通过统计数据和实操演示,向中外器官移植学者戳穿谣言。国家心血管病中心副主任、中国医学科学院阜外医院副院长郑哲、无锡人民医院副院长陈静瑜也通过事实和数据进一步展示了中国器官捐献与移植领域改革发展的成就。 “他们是有血有肉的器官捐献者,不是数学公式”——炮制谣言者颠倒黑白与事实 据了解,本次研讨会是由世界卫生组织器官捐献与移植特别委员会和中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会联合主办的,集合了世界上最顶尖的器官移植、伦理以及法律专家,其权威性不言而喻。根据日程安排,研讨会开始时正值午餐时段,但这丝毫没有影响中外学者参会的热情,来自30多个国家共100多位中外专家准时出现在会场。 为什么一场研讨会吸引了如此多顶尖专家的关注?根源在于近年来中国器官捐献与移植事业取得了翻天覆地的成就。《环球时报》记者多次在国际顶级学术场合见证世界对中国器...


人民日报 2019-12-09 00:00   本报昆明12月7日电  (记者杨文明、申少铁)12月7日,中国器官捐献与移植发展研讨会在昆明成功举办,参加第四届中国—国际器官捐献大会暨“一带一路”器官捐献国际合作发展论坛的30多个国家100余位专家出席会议并发表演讲,反对器官移植政治化。   据悉,目前国际上已开展的器官移植我国均已开展,自体肝移植技术、无缺血器官移植技术、儿童肝脏移植技术等部分器官移植技术实现突破、国际领跑。2015年以来,中国公民自愿捐献成为器官移植来源的唯一合法途径。刚刚发布的《中国器官移植报告(2015—2018)》显示,从2015年到2018年,我国每年完成器官捐献分别为2766、4080、5146、6302例,增长迅速。2018年,我国器官捐献与移植数量稳居世界第二位。   自2016年5月印发《关于建立人体捐献器官转运绿色通道的通知》以来,我国器官转运时间平均缩短1至1.5小时,器官全国共享率总体上升7.3%,器官利用率提升6.7%,捐献器官共享半径大大扩展,数以千计的终末期器官衰竭患者得到救治机会。中国已走出一条体现国际惯例、符合中国实际的器官捐献与移植道路,初步建立起科学公正、遵循伦理、符合国情和文化的人体器官捐献与移植工作体系。   与会专家就少数别有用心的组织对中国器官捐献与移植事业的诽谤与谣言进行了有力批驳与抨击,并列举了事实数据和案例,揭露了这些谣言背后的真实图谋。世界卫生组织器官移植项目主任何塞·努涅斯表示,中国在开展器官捐献和移植的工作中一直坚守世界卫生组织的原则,只要沿着现在的方向继续前进,所有反对中国的声音、不实消息都会不攻自破。   中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会主任委员、中国器官移植发展基金会理事长黄洁夫指出,中国对从事器官移植的医院及医生实行严格的资质管理,目前共有173家医院获得移植资质。“我们应当不惧谣言,不断推动中国器官捐献与移植事业的发展,使之成为当之无愧的全球典范,这是对保障人民群众健康权益和维护国家形象最好的贡献,也是对谣言最强有力的反击。”   “随着中国越来越多的人无私地捐献出自己的器官,对中国器官移植领域的有关谣言将不攻自破。器官移植中国经验的最大特点是中国政府的强力支持,是许多国家应该参照的典范。”世界卫生组织器官移植特别工作委员...


5月7日,杭州市民在纪念第72个世界红十字日活动上展示“遗体(组织)捐献志愿卡”。   李 忠摄(人民视觉)   中国器官捐献与移植发展研讨会 12 月 7 日在昆明举办,来自 30 多个国家 100 多位器官移植专家与会并发表演讲,盛赞中国器官移植成就。“器官移植中国经验的最大特点是中国政府的强力支持,是许多国家应该参照的典范。”世界卫生组织器官移植特别工作委员会主席弗朗西斯·德尔莫尼克说。    2015 年以来,中国公民逝世后自愿捐献成为器官移植来源的唯一合法途径。目前,中国已走出一条体现国际惯例、符合中国实际的器官捐献与移植道路,初步建立起科学公正、遵循伦理、符合国情和文化的人体器官捐献与移植工作体系。对此,世卫组织器官移植项目主任何塞·努涅斯表示:“中国器官移植领域改革在短期内取得令人瞩目的成就,中国经验可以作为整个亚洲地区乃至全球示范。”国际移植协会前任主席南希·埃舍尔强调:“中国经验中最重要的条件有两方面,强有力的政府领导与完善的医疗保障体系。”   最新发布的中国器官移植发展报告显示,从 2015 年到 2018 年,中国每年完成器官捐献分别为 2766 、 4080 、 5146 、 6302 例,增长迅速。 2018 年捐献数量位居世界第二。通过中国人体器官分配计算机系统,将患者病情紧急程度和器官匹配程度等医学指标作为分配器官资源的唯一准则,保障器官分配科学透明公平公正。“虽然中国起步晚于一些国家,但现在中国人体器官分配计算机系统足可以成为世界楷模。”巴塞罗那大学医学院教授马蒂·曼亚里奇如此评价。   此外,梵蒂冈教皇科学院院长马塞洛·索龙多表示,梵蒂冈教皇科学院非常欣赏中国经验,非常认可中国尊重器官捐献者、尊重生命的态度。   为缩短人体捐献器官转运时间,减少因转运环节对器官移植质量安全影响,保障患者生命安全,国家卫生健康委等部门于 2016 年 5 月印发了《关于建立人体捐献器官转运绿色通道的通知》。绿色通道建立 3 年来,器官转运时间平均缩短 1 至 1.5 小时,中国器官全国共享率总体上升 7.3% ,器官利用率提升 6.7% ,捐献器官共享半径大大扩展,数以千计的终末期器官衰竭患者得到救治机会。   在技术方面,中国器官移植手术操作技术不断改进创新,部分达到世界先进水平。国际...


  新华社昆明12月8日电(记者刘奕湛、林碧锋、刘昕宇)第四届中国-国际器官捐献大会暨“一带一路”器官捐献国际合作发展论坛6日至8日在云南昆明成功举办,来自世界卫生组织、国际移植协会、各大洲移植协会和62个国家移植协会的代表共1000余人参加会议。论坛期间召开了中国器官捐献与移植发展研讨会,与会中外专家围绕中国器官捐献与移植发展进行了深入的研讨交流,肯定了中国成就和经验。   在论坛会议中,与会代表就器官捐献与移植政策法规、组织建设、宣传动员、器官分配、移植技术等有关问题开展广泛深入的国际交流和探讨,加强国际合作。会上还成立了“一带一路”国家器官捐献与移植发展合作联盟,推进“一带一路”沿线国家间器官捐献与移植务实合作。全体与会代表遵循“共商、共建、共享”原则,按照今年4月25-27日在中国北京召开的第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的精神,积极推进“一带一路”沿线国家之间人文与卫生健康领域的器官捐献与移植事业的国际交流合作,共同发表《“一带一路”器官捐献与移植国际合作发展昆明共识》。   据介绍,目前国际上已开展的器官移植我国均已开展,自体肝移植技术、无缺血器官移植技术、儿童肝脏移植技术等部分器官移植技术实现突破、国际领跑。2015年以来,中国公民自愿捐献成为器官移植来源的唯一合法途径。   据了解,国家卫生健康委员会依托红十字会进行广泛的社会宣传动员,创新捐献动员举措,鼓励公众积极参与,目前登记器官捐献志愿者近170万。   7日发布的《中国器官移植报告(2015-2018)》显示,从2015年到2018年,我国每年完成器官捐献分别为2766、4080、5146、6302例,增长迅速。2018年,我国器官捐献与移植数量稳居世界第二位。   报告还指出,自2016年5月印发《关于建立人体捐献器官转运绿色通道的通知》以来,器官全国共享率总体上升7.3%,器官利用率提升6.7%。   中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会主任委员、中国器官移植发展基金会理事长黄洁夫说,目前,中国已走出一条体现国际惯例、符合中国实际的器官捐献与移植道路,初步建立起科学公正、遵循伦理、符合国情和文化的人体器官捐献与移植工作体系。   黄洁夫说,中国对从事器官移植的医院及医生实行严格的资质管理,目前共有173家医院获得移植资质。器官移植不仅是医学技术问题,更涉及政...

Report slandering China’s organ donation data is laden with logical and academic fallacies: specialists

Huang Jiefu, head of the China National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, speaks at the Symposium on Development of Organ Donation and Transplantation held in Kunming, capital of Southwest China’s Yunnan Province on Saturday. Photo: Courtesy of the organizer A recent report published on BMC Medical Ethics criticizing China's organ donation data is laden with logical and academic fallacies, said China's leading scholar on organ transplantation. He said that China will lodge formal rebuttal to the journal on why such paper was published. During the Symposium on Development of Organ Donation and Transplantation in China held in Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan Province on Saturday, Wang Haibo, head of China Organ Transplant Response System (COTRS), the country's official organ distribution system, referred to a recent academic report published on BMC Medical Ethics as a "serious accusation, and China felt the need of answering [such accusat...

China Focus: Specialists hail China's progress in organ donation, transplant

KUNMING, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- International organ transplant specialists have applauded China's significant achievements in reforming and standardizing its organ donation and transplantation system.  They made the remarks at the 4th China International Organ Donation Conference, which was held from Friday to Sunday in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province. The conference brought together more than 1,000 specialists from home and abroad to discuss the development of organ donation and transplantation in China and how to deepen international cooperation in the area. The Kunming Consensus on International Cooperation and Development in Organ Donation and Transplant under the Framework of the Belt & Road Initiative was released during the conference to advance international cooperation in organ donation and transplantation and to boost people-to-people exchanges among B&R countries. "I have been following what China is doing in organ donation a...

Bjorn Nashan: The paper accused China Organ Donation and Transplantation is not a scientific approach. This is not a scientific paper.

Bjorn Nashan(Past President, German Transplantation Society):"I’m working in China more than 2 years in HeFei. So I have my foot to the ground. I see what going on and I see so far is that everything is going on to the legal. Nothing is altered. They are very strict to their reporting and the filing of data, they are doing everything to assure the process is according to the law. " "The paper accused China Organ Donation and Transplantation is not a scientific approach. This is not a scientific paper. It’s a political attack, nothing at all. Academic research shoul be a truth discovery journal, must not be a political behavior."

Campbell Fraser: This paper on BMC, they criticize on COTRS, we already established that there is no scientific basis for the paper. This paper is a political document.

Campbell Fraser(Professor of Griffith University):"This paper on BMC, they criticize on COTRS, we already established that there is no scientific basis for the paper. This paper is a political document. This paper is just part of the coordinated dark forces that try to frustrate China progress. They are try to destroy all the work we have done." "What they are doing now is to maintain rumors. And we are going to see that again, again, and again. The more it happened, the more we must fight against this and be patient focused. China should keep doing what they do now, that China can be the leading country on international organ transplantation."

Zheng Zhe: We also invite faculties from all over the world to visit China and share their thoughts and experiences, to help and support China's organ transplantation cause, and benefit more Chinese patients.

Zheng Zhe, (Vice Director of National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Vice President of Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College) : "In China, a number of large heart transplant centers have already incorporated world-class capabilities regarding the management of heart transplant, while comparable outcomes on transplant and long-term survival were also achieved as other top centers around the world. In the future, we will establish an international cooperative-exchange system to embrace world’s talents in heart transplant, standardize and perfect the best use of technical specifications of heart transplant, and also launch more comprehensive training programs for heart transplant, try every effort to improve the overall quality of heart transplant in China. We also invite faculties from all over the world to visit China and share their thoughts and experiences, to help and support China's organ transplantation cause, and ...

Chen-Jingyu: I hope international experts further support China in transplantation.I hope you can come to China to check it out.

Chen-Jingyu (Vice President of Wuxi People's Hospital):"In China, there are many good doctors of heart transplant. They try hard to enter the international transplantation family.While being rejected once by once. There are many misunderstanding frominternational community. Because they are all being misleading by the rumors. I hope international experts further support China in transplantation.I hope you can come to China to check it out. And there is a Chinese saying goes like that: seeing is believing."

Wang Haibo: These harassment is not only slowing down the progress of China’s organ transplant reform, but aslo a desprect, a insult to the altruistic donors and their family.

Wang Haibo (Director of China Organ Transplant Response System-COTRS in China):"I’m not worried about the ridicules rumor, because the data in our COTRS system is not just a data point, but a name, a true person with story and a family. There are more than 26000 donors data in system, which representing more than 26000 life stories." "The current situation is, the Chinese, as well as international experts, including WHO officers, WHO task force members, have been relentless harassed by these systematic coordinated rumors, for years. These harassment are very consuming to all of us. We have a lots of work, to promote the quality of organ donation, to train better doctors, to save patients’ life. But now we have to spend lots of time to clarify all these nonsense accusations. These harassment is not only slowing down the progress of China’s organ transplant reform, but aslo a desprect, a insult to the altruistic donors and their family."

Guo Yanhong: Organ donation and transplantation is a scientific issue as well as ethical and legal issues.

Guo Yanhong(Supervision Commissioner of Medical Administration Bureau of national health and Health Commission):"Organ donation and transplantation is a scientific issue as well as ethical and legal issues. Under these this is love and hope. If this disturbs and blasphemes this loving and hopeful statement, I think it is an insult to each of our experts present and absent. I hope an end of the insult."

Huang Jiefu: spend more time treating people with heart disease, don't say things that even yourself don't believe

Huang Jiefu (Chairman of China human organdonation and Transplantation Committee and President of China organ transplantation Development Foundation):" On Nov14, British Medical Association published an article wrote by an Israel so-called "scollar", on BMC Ethics. The article violates basic scientific common sense and is full of loopholes,causing widespread doubt from China and the international organ transplantation community. I have to tell the author, As a heart organ transplant doctor, he should spend more time treating people with heart disease, don't say things that even yourself don't believe. There is an idioms in China said that, you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep. He may talk about equations today, and tomorrow he will tell you another astronomical figure. We don’t care these ridiculous rumors. The rumor always stop at wise men."

Wang Haibo fights back with facts

In response to anti-China slandering on China organdonation and transplantation. Wang Haibo, director of China Organ Transplant Response System, fights back with facts. At the forum, he introduced COTRS and its working process. 3 real cases, with the consent of family members, was used to retraces how their organs are distributed through COTRS.

Chinese and foreign experts criticized the unreliable rumors

Francis Delmonico:the achievements on China reform is a real good job.

Francis Delmonico(Chairman of organ transplantation task force of WHO ): "As international supporters, we can see the achievements on China reform. That is a real good job. And I hope these mileage achievements can continue in the future."

Nancy Asher (immediate Past President of TTS):we really support China

Nancy Asher   (immediate Past President of TTS):"In our international community, we heard noises, but we have being here several times, we really support China. We all know China history, but there is reform.Respond such incredible false paper is a waste of your time."

J. R. Núñez: we don't need to listen to rumor

J. R. Núñez(a World Health Organization (WHO) officer who oversees global organ transplantation): " Rumors are rumors. It will happen in any country and region in the world. The purpose of rumor disseminators may be different. But we don't need to listen to rumor. What really matters is what happens in reality. I have also witnessed the great progress made in organ donation in China in the past five years. So, even if there's a rumor, we don't have to listen to it. "


2019年12月7日, 第四届中国-国际器官捐献大会暨“一带一路”器官捐献国际合作发展论坛 中国器官捐献与移植发展研讨会在昆明举行 。受中国器官移植发展基金会邀请, 包括我囯在内的30多个国家的移植、伦理与神经科的100多名专家参加了本次研讨会 。其中还包括世界卫生组织器官移植特别工作委员会、国际移植协会等国际权威机构及权威人士。


2019年12月7日, 第四届中国-国际器官捐献大会暨“一带一路”器官捐献国际合作发展论坛 中国器官捐献与移植发展研讨会在昆明举行 。受中国器官移植发展基金会邀请, 包括我囯在内的30多个国家的移植、伦理与神经科的100多名专家参加了本次研讨会 。其中还包括世界卫生组织器官移植特别工作委员会、国际移植协会等国际权威机构及权威人士。